In 1998, Issa Boulos composed a piece called Sunrise. The piece was originally performed by the Issa Boulos Quartet, a group that he established in Chicago the same year. In subsequent years, Boulos rearranged the piece for various formations, and it was included in his renowned album Bonfire, which was released in 2019. Boulos used the 3/4 rhythm during the first two sections of the piece and then introduced the lively section in the 7/4 rhythm divided as 3+2+2. The melody by itself is commanding, so the arrangements have more space to evoke new sonorities, textures, and possibilities.
The purchase price includes all parts and the conductor score. The piece is also available in several other arrangements with different instrumentation. Click here to submit a request or make further inquiries.
Sunrise (for winds, piano and strings)
Composer: Issa Boulos
Genre/Style: Contemporary Orchestra, Middle East, European
Difficulty: 4
Instrumentation: Flute, Soprano Recorder, Alto Recorder, Bb Clarinet, Alto Sax, Tenor Sax, Bassoon, Trumpet, Piano, String Quintet). (Flexible instrumentation).
Publisher: Aria Music Publications
Region: Middle East
Country: Palestine, United States